Monday, May 20, 2013

Nashville Tennessee Vacation 2013 Day one

Well, we left for Nashville Tenessee today at about 4:00 or 4:30.  We only made two stops on our way which was pretty nice and maybe a little unusual for our family, but we did it this time at least.  Also before we left, Mamma and Bekah vacumed out the car which probably helped quite a bit also.  We got Taco Bell for lunch and while we drove we listened to some of a really exciting book on audio.  After getting a good dinner of Little Caesers pizza some of the younger ones fell asleep.  We got into Nashville probably around 11:30 or so and went straight to the hotel where we were staying the Embassy Suites.  We were all pretty tired after our long drive, got ready for bed and went strait to sleep.  I am sorry that there are no pictures on this post, but I was not quite sure if we were doing a blog or not.  